Cogne Group is a major world specialist in the manufacture of stainless steel long products and Nickel Alloys and in supplying tailor made solutions for the Oil&Gas sector.
Downstream processes within Cogne create synergies in terms of innovation dedicated to the development of new products in line with market requests. Besides that, an integrated and supply-chain - starting from the procurement of the raw materials up to the delivery of the finished products - and investments in scale for new technologies result on outstanding support to customers’ needs.
Cogne offers technical expertise with market access and commercial presence in a worldwide network.

Corrosion Resistance
PREN stands for Pitting Resistance Equivalent Number, and it’s vital for calculating how well stainless steel and other alloy materials withstand corrosion, specifically pitting corrosion.
Its formula is: PREN = %Cr + 3.3 x %Mo + 16%N
In general, the higher the PREN-value is, the more resistant will the stainless steel be to localized pitting corrosion by chloride.
Thanks to their excellent mechanical properties and their corrosion resistance, duplex and SuperDuplex stainless steels are a first-choice material for high-load applications in corrosive environments such as the O&G industry. On the graph, the PREN index is show for a various type of inox steel and Ni alloy. For example, the PREN value for Duplex 329A is over 30. For SuperDuplex grades the value is > 40.

Cogne grades available for the Oil&Gas and CPI sector: