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A year committed to sustainability for Cogne Acciai Speciali

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2023 Sustainability Report approved.


Cogne Acciai Speciali confirms its commitment to sustainability, with a special focus on people this year.

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Approved Sustainability Report 2022


Cogne operates in the stainless-steel long products and nickel alloys manufacturer and is based in Aosta, Valle d’Aosta - Italy. Boasting over a hundred years of experience in producing steel, Cogne is an industrial holding and its activities refers to three main production areas: Steelshop, Forging Mill and Rolling Mill. The business model is designed to allow sustainable development, with the aim of creating shared value over time for the company and for its stakeholders.  Thanks to the synergies between the different business areas, also in a logic of innovation, Cogne thrive to reduce the environmental impact and meet the demands of its Customers and of the Communities in which it operates and it is committed to ensuring high safety standards for its employees and those operating in its premises.

In the recent past, we took steps to reinforce our sustainability agenda and reflect the growing importance of sustainability. Our approach focuses into three main themes: mitigating climate change, protecting the environment and act responsibly towards our people and the local community.


Cogne is also part of the ResponsibleSteel initiative.

We are committed to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and sustainability is integrated into all our operations, activities, and decision making. Cogne’s operations are guided by our Code of Ethics and the Quality, Occupational Health, Environment and Safety and Major Accidents Prevention Policy. We expect our business partners and suppliers to follow similar standards.

Aosta’s site is certified according to quality ISO 9001, EN 9100 and IATF 16949 and environment ISO 14001 management systems, as well as safety ISO 45001 and ISO 50001 for energy. Our laboratory is also certified ISO/IEC 17025. The functioning of the different management systems is monitored by both internal and external audits and all management systems also take into consideration and monitor sustainability issues. In 2023 we kick off specific project to gain ISO 14064-1/2 certification as well as ISO 46001 water efficiency management system certification.




People first


In 2021, after successfully overcoming the organisational complexities of the pandemic, the company was able to get back on track in terms of valuing and developing its workers. In terms of skills development, 19,949 hours of training were provided. More than double the figure for 2020. Among the 2021 highlights, there are two significant indices which report a realignment of the accident frequency index to 2019, following the dramatic situation experienced at the peak of the pandemic during 2020, and a continuous decrease in the severity index, which went from 0.59 in 2019, to 0.54 in 2020, and then dropped to 0.51 in 2021. Our figures are well below the national average, testifying to our ongoing commitment to protection and safety at work.


Reducing CO2 emissions


In 2021, the return to full business activity rendered the best results ever, with an increase in energy consumption compared to 2020. Regarding our constant commitment and contribution to the fight against climate change is the improvement in the ratio of total Scope 1 and Scope 2 Location-Based emissions to tonnes of steel produced and poured at the Aosta plant. The trend is as follows:  from 1.18 in 2019 to 1.24 in 2020 (the knock-on effects of the pandemic lead to a consequent loss of efficiency) and to 1.14 in 2021. This improvement validates our pathway to energy efficiency, supported by robust investments in the mill and in general infrastructure.


A year of sustainability for Cogne Acciai Speciali: Approved Sustainability Report 2021 


Cogne Acciai Speciali renews and forges its commitment to responsibility towards people, the environment, the local community and respect for human rights.

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Responsible Sourcing

and Procurement Policy


Responsible sourcing and procurement are key goals for Cogne Acciai Speciali. With this in mind, we published our Sourcing and Responsible Sourcing Policy in 2021 which explains how we work with our suppliers to ensure that our supply chains share our core values.

This Policy is an integral part of our processes and represents, together with our Code of Ethics, our guidelines for transparency, compliance with laws, regulations, minimum standards and continuous improvement and to make sure that our purchases of raw materials, goods and services are carried out responsibly and in line with our intrinsic values.



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In 2021 the accident severity index went down by 14%. We completed the ISO 45001 Certification in April 2021.


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In 2021 the ratio tCO2e/tSteel went down from 1.18 in 2019 to 1.14.


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In 2021 waste sent to landfill went down by 15%.In 2021 more than 33% of total waste was sent to recycling or preparation for re-use.


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In 2021 we donated an ambulance to the local Red Cross Committee.


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In 2021 each employee completed over 18 hours of training.Cogne Academy trainees enter the final year of the qualification program (4.0 Maintenance operator).


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In 2021 24% of investments was focused on HSE (more than €4,8 Million). Over 30% of the total Investment Plan related to Y2022-2024 will be focused to HSE.

*Audited data refers to Cogne’s Aosta Plant and is part of Cogne Sustainability Report 2021.

Sustainability Plan approved by the Cogne Board of Directors


Cogne's Board of Directors approved the 2022 - 2025 Sustainability Plan which focuses on improving environmental performance, innovation projects, diversity and inclusion policies and further developing a culture of sustainability. Sustainable development is our goal and innovation is the means to achieve it.

Plan 2022-2025, focused on the strategic areas Environment, Social and Governance - COGNE aims to support the climate transition to zero emissions and implement innovatory solutions to pursue environmental sustainability. This Plan marks our reinforced commitment to environmental sustainability, occupational health and safety, inclusion and people development and corporate governance.


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Cogne Approves the Declaration of Sustainability Commitments


COGNE ACCIAI SPECIALI is a leading manufacturer of stainless steels and nickel alloys and to fortify our market position, sustainability is key. We pledge to pursue the perfect balance between competitiveness, environmental sustainability and social responsibility.


Our leadership is maintained through responsible growth management, which is pragmatic, sustainable and inclusive, thus benefiting businesses, citizens and our community. Sustainability is at the core of our business and integrated into our strategy.


Our sustainability strategy rests on three cornerstones concerning the environment, people (social) and good corporate governance practices (governance). The goals we have set ourselves are ambitious and we are constantly looking for ways to further improve the way we operate. Our approach reflects both the importance of sustainability and the possibilities it offers. Our 'Sustainability Commitment Statement' defines our operative values and commitments and responsibilities towards people, the environment, the community and our stakeholders alike.



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